Recipes from Shane and Geri

Shane's Tomato and Salami Spaghetti



  1. fill a large pot with water add salt and bring to boil
  2. Fry off salami in pan with a little oil.
  3. Add diced onion, fry for 1 minute
  4. Add garlic and chilli, fry for 1 minute
  5. Add sugo, reduce heat and simmer. Add salt to taste
  6. You are looking to reduce mix to a consistency of tomato paste. Stir occasionally.
  7. Add spaghetti to salted water. Bring back to boil and maintain vigirous boiling, stiring occasionally.
  8. When sauce mix is correct consistency, turn off heat, add basil and stir through
  9. When spaghetti is cooked, drain and add to sauce pan. Mix sauce through spaghetti.
  10. Plate up and sprinkle with parmasan cheese

Shane's Creation

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